69 Things to Do With a Dead Princess

Cover 69 Things to Do With a Dead Princess
Genres: Fiction
The whole glowing ocean below was alive – every billow bore an agonising soul that rose like a wreck or a putrid curse on the waves of earth’s ocean – uttered a shriek as it burst against that adamantine precipice – sank – and rose again to repeat the tremendous experiment! Every billow of fire was thus instinct with immortal and agonising existence – each was freighted with a soul that rose on the burning wave in torturing hope, burst on the rock in despair, added its eternal shriek to the roa...r of that fiery ocean, and sunk to rise again – in vain – and forever!Suddenly I felt myself flung half-way down the precipice. I stood, in my dream, tottering on a crag midway down the precipice – I looked upwards, but the upper air showed only blackness unshadowed and impenetrable – but, blacker than that blackness, I could distinguish the giant outstretched arm of Dudley that held me as in sport on the ridge of that infernal precipice, while another, that seemed in its motions to hold fearful and invisible conjunction with the arm that grasped me, as if both belonged not to Dudley but some being too vast and horrible even for the imagery of a dream to shape, pointed upwards to a dial-plate fixed on the top of that precipice, and which the flashes of that ocean made fearfully conspicuous.MoreLess

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