183 Times a Year (2015)

Cover 183 Times a Year
Genres: Fiction
I can’t bloody help it if I had to go to hospital and it’s not my fault I didn’t know it wasn’t bloody serious. You’d think she’d want to be at hospital with her own daughter for god bloody sake. I admit I like overreacted a bit but I didn’t want to end up bloody deaf did I? It was all the ear piercer man’s fault anyway. He’s the one that like dropped the bloody silver ball from my tragus piercing into my bloody ear. Idiot. And he kept my bloody money. Knob head. I daren’t tell Mum that though ...coz she’s bound to go into the bloody shop and make like a bloody scene. It’s full of pumped up, bearded tattooists for god sake.
Honey thinks it’s like well funny. She thinks Mum’s like well cute for caring. It’s dead funny watching Mum’s confused expression every time Mum sees Honey coz Honey like, always wraps her arms around her and kisses her on the cheek. At first I thought it was coz Mum was like gayest but that didn’t make sense coz Mum’s not prejudice about anyone, except me of course, and maybe Tabitha, our nosy next-door neighbour.

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