14th Deadly Sin: (Women’s Murder Club 14)

Cover 14th Deadly Sin: (Women’s Murder Club 14)
Genres: Fiction
Joe said. “The victim in year one of the five was an uptown lady, Ms. Alicia Thompson. She had been to Neiman’s and she was on her way to her car.” “We know this how?” I asked. “Shopping bags and keys in her hand. And she was killed a half block from Union Square Garage, where her car was parked.” “Did anyone see anything?” “Nope, and Ms. Thompson got the full five-star investigation. Chi was the lead investigator.” “And how did the case play out?” “Not only were there no witnesses, there were also no forensics, no footage, no nothing. Not even the knife. Make a note, Sergeant Blondie. Taking the knife is a common thread.” “Duly noted,” I said. “OK, next victim was very different than Ms. Thompson.” “Do tell,” I said. I took the empty dessert plates away and put them in the dishwasher while Martha and Joe headed to the living room. We all settled into the oversize leather sofa. Martha put her head on my lap, letting out a contented sigh. “Victim number two, Krista Toomey, was homeless,”
14th Deadly Sin: (Women’s Murder Club 14)
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Guest 4 years ago

Re Above.... I made an error and can't edit. I meant Hubbell not Brower. The rest of my comment is accurate, and an error of the author, who otherwise has an amazing knowledge of almost everything. I was astonished in reading a previous book to see that he mentioned Gaylord Hauser. Not who the devil nowadays has ever heard of Gaylord Hauser exceptwme....because I was growing up hen he wrote his famous book "Look Younger, Live Longer" of which I have a treasured copy. Along with several other of his books. Truthfully I haven't even thought of him for 50 years. I recall a big fuzz was made when this guru of healthy meat free living, was spotted in an obscure restaurant, tucking into a large steak. ...... Whooh...!! The another guy appeared on the scene calling himself "Lelord Kodell", the "Gaylord" and "Lelord" seemed more than a co-incidence to me. I also have, and found to be true, "Better Sight Without Glasses", by Benjamin (Harry). I use the Bates system to equalize my bad eye with my very good eye. It took 3 months, looking at the palm of my hand closely then immediately transferring my eye to a far distant tree top. it worked like magic. And the experts say it's just quackery. Well, this part of it is NOT. My eyesight remained good, normal not long sighted but middle...as always. At 91 now, I'm reading 12 or more hours a day without glasses -which I've never had. And when younger I was prominent on both contact sports and tennis as well as Table -Tennis until over 65, at tournament level. Well I've written more than enough.

Guest 4 years ago

Definitely an amazing read. This book literally had me on the edge of my seat at all times and I could not lay the book down. I was captivated and felt like I was actually there.

Guest 4 years ago

Yes it't very interesting. Just one flaw I've noticed. When Joe went down to
that cellar to talk to Brower, and was handcuffed, he was thinking that itwould be tough to get away that he was 20 years older than the guy. The book says that Brower had come out of gaol 5 years ago after serving 25 years. Brower had to have been at least 20 and maybe much more whe he went to gaol, to would have been at least 45...making the handsome, romantic, not too long married Joe at least 65. Doesn't work with the story.

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