Author Tommy Orange

Tommy Orange Photo
Categories: Fiction
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Tommy Orange is a recent graduate from the MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. He is a 2014 MacDowell Fellow, and a 2016 Writing by Writers Fellow. He is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma. He was born and raised in Oakland, California, and currently lives in Angels Camp, California.

Books by Tommy Orange:

Cover There There
8.49 / 10
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User Reviews:

Guest 6 years ago

This is an incredible read. Couldn't stop reading it once I picked it up. It is raw and real and for some, it may be difficult to read but that is because it speaks the truth. Tommy Orange is right, Native people are a community that is too often forgotten. They were treated despicably, and although they aren't the only group to have gone through hardship, their voice, image and history has been silenced, mocked and distorted. I appreciate this novel and will be sure to recommend it to others.

Guest 6 years ago

It was brutal reading.. Not to my likeing

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