Author Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson Photo
Categories: Fiction » Fantasy, Fiction
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Guest 4 years ago

Alcatraz and The Evil Librarians GOES dummy. I love the characters and the science of things. When I read this let me tell you you will love this book a lot. Be ready to be amazed after reading this. When you do you will want more and more and this site is just the place

Guest 6 years ago

yee thus webbysite kai pai and the booky eveny morey kai pai fumbs up 4 u

Guest 6 years ago

wa da heck dis guy up to ay

Guest 7 years ago

Steelheart, Firefight and Calamity; marvelous trilogy by this talented Author

Guest 6 years ago

and alcatraz verses the evil librarians

Guest 7 years ago

Sanderson's handling of Jordan's Magnum Opus, The Wheel of Time;
it's everything I wanted from the series

Guest 6 years ago

tottaly agree

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